Tips to plan your trip to Baños de Agua Santa if you want to do adventure sports or any activity within the city.
Everything you have to know, or almost, to buy tours in Baños.
If your plans include rafting, canyoning, a bike ride, paragliding, rock climbing, canopy or even a horse ride, Baños is the best place to do these activities.
Where can I book my tour safely?
It is best to check first what activity you want to do and the time you have available to do it, usually the activities are for a time of 4 hours or half a day.
If you are in the center of the city, there are many travel agencies and tour operators that can help you find an activity to enjoy in Baños and its surroundings.
However, we advise you to review the established rates for the price of each activity. Don't be fooled by the cheaper price!
Also take into account those that can offer this type of services such as rafting, paragliding, canyoning, canopy, rock climbing, mountaineering, paragliding are the agencies or operators of tourist activities without extra values.
Hotels, hostels and restaurants can recommend an extreme sports agency that you can go to to book a tour.
Hotels are not allowed to sell adventure tours, but if they offer you a tour, keep in mind that they take a percentage of commission for sales.
The best option will always be to personally approach an agency that is close to your hotel or search the internet for the best agency to carry out the activity you are interested in.
Go to the tourist office of the city of Baños de Agua Santa and check which are the best options in travel agencies.